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Gelber Salamander

  • "Andi" is male
  • "Andi" started this thread

Posts: 110

Date of registration: Aug 23rd 2011

Location: Bayern

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Monday, March 18th 2013, 9:21pm

Gelbe Farbe verblasst

Bei einem meiner 5 verblassend die gelben Flecken ein wenig. Muß ich mir Gedanken machen?



  • "TimL" is male

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Wednesday, March 20th 2013, 5:38pm

Hi Andi,

my German is not at its best so I will write in English, I hope you don't mind.

I''ve heard an seen S. salamandra lose some spots as time goes by. Older individuals sometimes show more brown than yellow spots because of the fading.

These animals were still found for a longer period so it is no sign of illness, I believe.

Hope it is of help!

Kind regards,



Gelber Salamander

  • "Andi" is male
  • "Andi" started this thread

Posts: 110

Date of registration: Aug 23rd 2011

Location: Bayern

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Wednesday, March 20th 2013, 9:12pm

Hi Tim!
Thanks for your answer. I hope you are rigth.



  • "MarioR" is male

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Wednesday, March 20th 2013, 9:36pm

Hallo Andi,

Lade doch ei Bild hoch und nenne Luftfeuchtigkeit, Wässerungsintervalle, Temperatur usw.
Sonst kann sich keiner ein Bild machen.


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