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Ich suche Ichthyosaura alpestris veluchiensis
I am sure that this was cause for too hot temperatures....
Salamandra s. gigliolii C.B 2012 For Gersfeld caudata meeting (12-14.10.2012) 30 Euro/specimen If interestedcontact me. Are the last. I need a payment with a bank transfer not later than the 20 september as I will must bring the exact number of sold animals to a my friend who will bring to Gersfeld. Their parents are very high yellow specimens ( 90 and 99% yellow)
10 february 2012: + 1 new larva for now are in tot for this female 51larvae....
6 february 2012: + others 8 larvae (from the same female: specimen on my avatar! room temperature 5.0°C)
Hi at all, Interesting to see the fraction of the time of birth from the same female. I'll keep update this post. 20 november 2011 : first larva10 december 2011: +11 larvae11 decembre 2011: +6 larvae21 decembre 2011: +5 larvae23 decembre 2011: +2 larvae13 january 2012: + 3 larvae21 january 2012:+ 3 larvae22 january 2012:+6 larvae28 january 2012: + 4 larvae
I have found too a secure and good source ofquality of Tubifex in my place! Now are all eating ; )
Thank you Ingo! : ) (I have send now an email.)
Hi Ingo, Thankyou! I never I have buy only a small seal plastic bag and I keep the tubifex..but I don't give for eat! Your store can send some?
Very good!!!! Too my giglioliis in this period (november-december and this month) are giving birth many are 30. Now I'm feeding with enchitreey, bloodworms, and chopped earthworms About Tubifex really I have little bit scare...I bought some in aquarium pet store...but now I wait. I have scary about pollution in Tubifex! How are your experience about Tubifex?
Quoted from "*Pati*" Hallo Ingo ! meinst du wirklich ? Ich meine die Tiere kommen immerhin bis Süditalien vor. Da müsste selbst der Boden wärmer sein ? Gruß Patrick I know very well this subspecie and too their Habitat .... And I can guarantee you that where you find gigliolii there are mountain and the clima is particular fresh .....
The temperature must be like the other subspecies of firesalamanders: I keep mine with 18°C in sommer and 5°-10°C in winter.
Thank'you, here there is the italian version...…nel_video_title
Hi at all, here there are a new documentary made by friend Patrick Wermelinger (Geko76)…nel_video_title it's a wonderful doc... we have worked different night for searching the animals for this film...
Hi at all, I must update: the spots are go away ( I think with the shedding that she has already ate), so all is returned normal! I had ask to other people who had the same problem and seems to be an alteration of the normal skins bakteria (as a yeast infection for the women) maybe was my high high higiena to have alterate the normal equilibrium..
Hi Ingo, sorry!! Must I open a new thread? I would like to understand what can be...
Hi Markus, yes, ok for Taricha is normal. But the same was seen in others species like ambistoma and newts. With the shedding the spots go away... Mario: now how is this firesalamander? Now I'm thinking what should be?
Hi at all and thank you! I don't think that's is for humidity as I'm keeping with a range of % of humidity terrariums( from wet between dry), so they can choose. I have a perfect ventilation.. and are high higiena setups. The animal is healthy...just the black spots. Maybe as tell Vickey a commensal pilz... I have read in others post of others species that this spots seems to go away with the shedding.. I don't know what should be..
Hello at all! I have the same black spots on a specimen of gigliolii. In internet I have found the same on tigersalamanders, taricha and newts. What can it be?
Hi Philip, unfortunately I don't know very well this subspecie, maybe Ben Williams can tel something